Week 5 – Data transformation
- Reading 5 (Complete by: Feb-25 @ 11:59pm)
Module exercises
- Module 4 exercises (Due: Feb-27 @ 11:59pm)
- Mini-homework 4 – Flights of New York (Due: Feb-28 @ 11:59pm)
(Watch by: Feb-26)
Data transformation - 01 - What is data wrangling?
Data transformation - 02 - The presidential dataset
Data transformation - 03 - The select function
Data transformation - 04 - The pipe operator
Data transformation - 05 - The arrange function
Data transformation - 06 - The slice function
Data transformation - 07 - Boolean logic
Data transformation - 08 - The filter function
Data transformation - 09 - The mutate function
Data transformation - 10 - The group_by and summarize functions
Data transformation - 11 - Other helpful dplyr verbs